Lion's Gate Portal Twin Flame Cosmic Alignment

As we journey through the celestial currents, we find ourselves on the threshold of a potent spiritual event: the Lion's Gate Portal. This cosmic alignment, born when the sun in its ruling sign of Leo aligns harmoniously with Sirius - our Spiritual Sun, delivers a peak of creative power, courage, and regal strength. It mirrors the awe-inspiring majesty of the lion. For Twin Flames, this portal brings about an escalation of spiritual connection, a quickening of manifestation, and an illuminated alignment with your Divine Life Purpose.

The Lion's Gate Portal is a beacon to Twin Flames, beckoning them towards an enhanced meditative connection. Sit in a peaceful space, close your eyes, and imagine a radiant golden sphere encircling both you and your Twin Flame. This sphere, charged with the energies of the Lion's Gate Portal, amplifies your Twin Flame connection and uplifts your collective vibration.

Allow yourself to be enveloped by this sphere of golden energy, its power permeating your being and fortifying the shared heart space between you and your Twin Flame. Allocate at least 15 minutes to this visualization - a sacred interlude to appreciate the fine nuances of your united energies and a chance to deepen your mutual sense of destiny.

Based in Scottsdale and welcoming clients from nearby cities of Phoenix, Chandler and Gilbert in Arizona, Psychic Susan Westin is an expert in love and twin flames, as well as dealing with even the most complex relationships. Her office is located at 15333 North Pima Road, Suite 305 in Scottsdale, and she can be reached by phone for other readings at 480-318-2106.

The Lion's Gate Portal presents a favorable moment to work with objects imbued with specific energies. Crystals such as rose quartz, which emits a loving energy, clear quartz, known for its amplifying properties, and citrine, symbolizing prosperity and abundance, can be powerful companions during this period. Infuse these crystals with your Twin Flame intentions, transforming them into physical reminders of your shared aspirations.

The spirited energy of Leo, coursing through the Lion's Gate Portal, beckons Twin Flames to express and define their shared intentions. This season is an energetic whirlwind favoring creativity and personal expression, both of which are key to journaling, making art, and setting intentions.

When you journal, your words become the physical representation of your shared dreams, healing journeys, and individual and shared evolution. It's a testament to your Twin Flame Union. Should you be drawn more towards visual expression, art, steeped in your intentions, can serve as a powerful conduit. The lively interplay of colors, textures, and forms resonates with the dynamic Leo energy, adding layers of creativity, romance, and visual beauty to your Union.
